What it’s like
Founded in 1532 by William Radcliffe and in the 19th-century endowed by the
Trustees of Browne’s Hospital, as was the High School for girls. The two schools
(and junior school) have a joint Principal but each has its own Head. They share
many cultural, social and educational activities, including mixed sixth-form
teaching, and a common junior school. Over the centuries both have played a
major part in the life of the town and neighbourhood. Stamford School’s
buildings lie to the north-east of the town in some 34 acres of agreeable
grounds and playing fields. The chapel was originally part of the 12th-century
St Paul’s Church. Since 1875 there has been a continuous programme of building
and modernisation, resulting in excellent facilities. An Anglican foundation, it
follows the liturgy of the Church of England but welcomes boys of other faiths.
Academic standards are high and examination results good. Music is very strong
indeed, as is drama. A standard range of sports and games is provided and there
are many successful teams. The CCF contingent has RN, Army and RAF sections and
local community services are a popular alternative. Many clubs and societies
cater for most needs. A successful Young Enterprise group and a traditional
commitment to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in which the school has an
outstanding record of success. A large number of overseas trips is organised,
including sporting tours all over the country and beyond.
School profile
Pupils & entrance
Pupils: Age range 11–18; 652 boys (578 day, 70 boarding).
Entrance: Main entry ages 11, 13 and 16. Common Entrance and own exam
used; for sixth-form entry, 5 GCSEs at least grade C (preferably A in sixth-form
subjects). No special skills or religious requirements. 50% of intakes at 11 and
16 from state schools; 50% at 11 from own junior (enquiries to the Headmistress,
Stamford Junior School, Kettering Road, Stamford, Lincs PE9 2LR).
Scholarships, bursaries & extras Scholarships, value £250–£1000. Some
bursaries for families in financial difficulties. Parents not expected to buy
Parents 60+% live within 30 miles; up to 10% live overseas.
Head & staff
Principal (of The Stamford Endowed Schools): Dr Peter Mason, appointed
1997. Educated at Rochdale Grammar School and Newcastle University (chemistry).
Previously Headmaster of Reading School, Head of Chemistry and Senior
Housemaster at Royal Grammar School, Newcastle.
Head: Peter Fraser, appointed 2000. Previously Deputy Head of St Paul’s
School, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Teaching staff: 70 full time, 12 part time. Annual turnover 5%. Average
age 44.
Exam results
GCSE: In 2003, 106 pupils in fifth: 81% gained at least grade C in 8+
subjects; 17% in 5–7 subjects. Average GCSE score 56 (over 5 years).
A-levels: 78 in upper sixth: 11% passed in 4+ subjects; 76% in 3
subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 339.
University & college entrance 90% of sixth-form leavers go on to a
degree course, 6% to Oxbridge. 5% take courses in medicine, dentistry &
veterinary science, 30% in science & engineering, 5% in law, 50% in humanities &
social sciences, 5% in art & design, 5% in drama and music. Others typically go
on to non-degree courses or directly into careers (banking, armed forces,
Curriculum GCSE, AS and A-levels. 17 GCSE subjects offered, 28 at
Sixth form: Most sixth formers take 4 subjects at AS-level, 3 at A-level;
general studies taught but not examined. 13% take science A-levels; 47%
arts/humanities; 40% both. Mixed teaching with Stamford High School allows wide
range of subjects.
Vocational: Well-established links with business and industry include a
sixth-form industrial conference, industry day for 14-year olds, careers
conferences and practice interview arrangements. Work experience in Year 10 (1
Special provision: Two teachers give individual lessons to dyslexic
Languages: French, German and Russian offered at GCSE and A-level (French
compulsory from age 11 to GCSE). Spanish and Italian at A-level. Regular
exchanges to France, Germany, Italy and Russia.
ICT: Taught across the curriculum. 300 computers for pupil use (9+ hours
a day), all networked and with e-mail and internet access.
The arts
Music: Up to 50% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams
can be taken. Some 8 musical groups including symphony orchestra, wind band,
choral society, chapel choir, chamber groups, jazz band etc. Pupils have
achieved Oxbridge choral scholarships, pop group reached finals in national
Drama: Much extra-curricular drama. Many pupils are involved in school
productions and some in house/other productions.
Art & design: On average, 50 take GCSE, 20 A-level. Design, pottery and
sculpture also offered.
Sport & activities
Sport: Choice from rugby, hockey, cricket, cross-country, athletics,
soccer, tennis, squash, canoeing, golf, table tennis, shooting, basketball, ski
trips, chess. Strong county representation in rugby, hockey, cricket; frequent
county athletics champions; national cross-country finalists; national youth
canoeing champions in recent years; shooting at Bisley annually.
Activities: Pupils take bronze, silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s
Award; some 40 pa gold. CCF optional (over 200 boys and girls) and community
service. Up to 30 clubs, eg science, history, chess, air rifle, quizzes,
computing, art, Young Enterprise.
School life
Uniform: School uniform worn throughout.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head boy, head of house
and house prefects. School prefects appointed by Headmaster, house prefects by
Religion: Christian worship compulsory.
Social: Plays, musical events, choir. Trips abroad for eg fieldwork,
skiing etc; rugby tours (eg New Zealand), cricket (eg West Indies); exchange
with St Albans School, Washington DC. Pupils allowed to bring own
car/motorbike/bike to school. Meals self-service. School shop. No tobacco or
alcohol allowed.
Discipline Pupils failing to produce homework once might expect to be
admonished and kept in if persistent; those caught smoking cannabis on the
premises would be suspended while all factors considered – expulsion likely.
Boarding 25% have own study bedroom, 35% share; 40% in dormitories up
to 5. Houses of 40, divided by age group. Resident qualified nurse. Central
dining room. Pupils can make own coffee, tea and toast. Seniors allowed to local
town daily with permission; juniors, rationed.
Alumni association is run by Membership and Information Secretary, B
M McKenzie, 11 Rutland Terrace, Stamford PE9 2QD.
Former pupils M J K Smith (England cricket captain/England rugby
too); John Terraine (historian); Sir Malcolm Sargent; Sir Michael Tippett;
Robert Clift (Olympic Gold Medallist, hockey); Simon Hodgkinson (England rugby);
Mark James (golfer); Philip Goodrich (Bishop of Worcester); Colin Dexter (Insp
Morse creator); Iwan Thomas (400m Europe & Commonwealth Gold); General Sir
Michael Jackson (Chief of Defence Staff).