英中教育 Anglo-Chinese Education Consultancy


Perse School for Girls







The Perse School for Girls 皮尔斯女子中学 皮尔斯女校 , Union Road, Cambridge CB2 1HF
Tel: 01223 454700 Fax: 01223 467420
• GIRLS, 7–18, Day
• Pupils 680, Upper sixth 57
• Termly fees £2600–£3055
• Enquiries/application to the Headmistress

What it’s like

Founded in 1881 under the scheme for the management of the Perse Trust, it is well sited in the centre of Cambridge, in agreeable and very well-equipped buildings. More recent developments include a music wing, science and technology facilities and a sixth-form centre. The junior school, newly rebuilt and refurbished, is nearby. It has a high reputation academically; it prides itself on providing a first-class, balanced education which celebrates achievement in all aspects of school life and the opportunity to develop talent and individuality. The results in public examinations are consistently excellent. A high proportion of sixth-form leavers goes on to Oxbridge. It has exceptionally strong international links: six modern languages are offered; a creative arts project is undertaken with partner schools in Portugal, Finland and Hungary; and there are several cross-curricular ventures with an international dimension. Music, drama and art flourish; the school has a variety of orchestral, choral and other music groups, including jazz. Sports and games are played to a high standard (the playing fields are ten minutes from the school). Hockey and netball are especially strong with a number of representatives at county, regional and national level. Numerous extra-curricular activities are well supported, including archery, football, Young enterprise and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Extensive use is made of Cambridge’s cultural amenities.

School profile

Pupils & entrance

Pupils: Total age range 7–18; 680 day girls. Senior school 11–18, 510 girls.
Entrance: Main entry ages 7–11 and 16. Own entrance tests used; for sixth-form entry, 8 GCSEs at least grade B (grade A in sixth-form subjects). All-round ability looked for; no religious requirements. Significant state school entry Two thirds of senior intake is from its own Junior School (enquiries to Head of Junior School, Perse School for Girls, St Eligius Street, Cambridge CB2 1HX; tel 01223 346140).

Scholarships, bursaries & extras
8 pa academic scholarships at age 11 (value £250); 6–8 pa sixth-form scholarships and exhibitions (value £350–£1000). 35–40 bursaries. Parents not expected to buy textbooks; charge of £168 for individual music lessons, £78 for group speech training.

Head & staff

Headmistress: Miss Tricia Kelleher, in post from 2001. Educated at Grays Convent and Palmer’s Sixth Form College and at universities of Oxford (history) and Sussex (MA). Previously Deputy Headmistress at Brentwood, Head of History at Brighton & Hove High School, and history teacher at Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls.
Teaching staff: 63 full time, 21 part time. Annual turnover 5%. Average age 40.

Exam results

GCSE: In 2003, 80 pupils in upper fifth, 100% gaining at least grade C in 5+ subjects with an average score of 78 (75 over 5 years).
A-levels: 64 in upper sixth: 38% passed in 4+ subjects; 62% in 3 subjects. Average final point score achieved by upper sixth formers 486.

University & college entrance
Virtually all sixth-form leavers go on to a degree course (40% after a gap year), 25% to Oxbridge. 15% take courses in medicine, dentistry & veterinary science, 17% in science & engineering, 3% in law, 28% in humanities & social sciences, 2% in art & design, 10% in other subjects eg textile design, maths, economics. Others typically go on to art foundation courses.

GCSE, AS and A-levels. 19 GCSE subjects, 27 at AS, 26 A-level.
Sixth form: Sixth formers take 4–5 subjects at AS-level, 3–4 at A-level; in addition, all take AS-level general studies. 19% take science A-levels; 41% arts/humanities; 40% both. All take a course in ICT.
Vocational: Work experience available in Year 10 and in the sixth form.
Special provision: Any necessary provision arranged on individual basis.
Languages: French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish offered at GCSE, AS and A-level and FLAW (foreign languages at work); Japanese offered in sixth form. All take French from age 8, a second language from 12; majority take 2 or more languages at GCSE. Regular exchanges and visits (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Russia); sixth-form European work experience schemes.
ICT: Used across the curriculum at all ages and taught as a discrete subject (1–2 lessons a week in Years 7–9; optional in Years 10–11; compulsory sixth form course). 70+ computers for pupil use (7+ hours a day), 40 networked and with email and internet access. Some pupils take 2-year ICT course leading to ECDL; AS/A-level computing also offered.

The arts

Music: Over 75% of pupils learn a musical instrument; instrumental exams may be taken. Some 30 musical groups including 4 choirs, 3 orchestras, jazz, percussion, wind, chamber and recorder. Several groups winners of National Chamber Music Competition for Schools; recent Oxbridge choral awards; 1 member National Youth Orchestra; several members National Children’s Orchestra.
Drama: GCSE drama, A-level theatre studies, Poetry Society and LAMDA exams may be taken. Many pupils are involved in school productions and in house/other productions. Medal successes every year in Cambridge Festival; regular medals in LAMDA and Poetry Society exams.
Art & design: On average, 18 take GCSE, 10 AS-level, 8 A-level. Design, pottery, textiles, photography, costume, jewellery, sculpture etc also offered.

Sport & activities

Sport: Gymnastics, dance, swimming, hockey, netball, tennis, rounders compulsory. Optional: archery, squash, aerobics, basketball, badminton, football, fencing, fitness, jazz dance, rowing, table tennis. BAGA exams may be taken. Regional tennis players; several county netball and hockey players; success at national level.
Activities: Pupils take silver and gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Community service optional; close involvement with local old people’s home. Over 20 clubs, eg bridge, debating, dance, gymnastics, IT, DT, science, Christian Union, photography, creative writing.

School life

Uniform: School uniform worn, except in sixth form.
Houses & prefects: Competitive houses. Prefects, head girl and deputies, head of house and house sports captains, elected by the school. School Council.
Religion: Attendance at assembly compulsory, except for conscientious objectors and sixth form.
Social: Some activities joint with Perse School eg theatrical productions, debates, Young Enterprise. Language exchanges with schools in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia and Japan; cultural exchanges with Portugal, Finland, Hungary; organised trips to Italy, Greece, Turkey; ski trips. Pupils allowed to bring own bike. Meals self-service. No tobacco or alcohol allowed.

Pupils failing to produce homework once would expect discussion with relevant teaching and year staff; those in possession of, or under the influence of, illegal substances or alcohol on the premises could expect to be expelled.

Alumnae association
Old Persean Guild, Mrs M Monnier, c/o the school.